29 July 2017

Puppet Part Two: Groups, Users and Simple Manifests

In my first Puppet post I went through the setup process on both the Ubuntu and CentOS Linux distributions. That post ended with four VMs:

o baratheon, the Puppet server
o stark, running Ubuntu
o bolton, running CentOS
o lannister, running CentOS

My previous post ended with all four systems polling baratheon (the Puppet server is configured to manage itself) but nothing was actually managed by it. Two of the VMs, baratheon and stark, have a group and user named 'test'. The other two, bolton and lannister, have a group and user named 'demo'. In this post I want to:

o remove the 'demo' user
o remove the 'demo' group
o remove the 'test' user
o remove the 'test' group
o standardise with a 'secops' group
o standardise with a 'secops' user
o make sure the 'secops' user's home directory is created
o make sure the 'secops' user is in the sudo group
o set an initial password for the 'secops' user
o set a password expiration of ninety days for the 'secops' user

All of this can be done using Puppet's built-in features.

Users, Groups and Resource Types

Puppet has what it calls "resource types", built-ins for basic system functions. Tonight I want to focus on two of them, the "group" and "user" types. If you want to read all about them, the Puppet documentation is rather good:

I'm intentionally linking to the 4.10 documentation because that is the version currently installed via pc1. They have a drop-down available for viewing the documentation from other releases. You can install a newer version, 5.0, but none of the 3rd-party modules I've started using officially support 5 so I'm sticking with 4.10!

That's all well and good...but how does one use them?

Adding a Group

I'm going to start with the manifest for stark and adding the 'secops' group. I'm adding the group before the user because I want the user to be a member of the group and if the group doesn't exist, the user creation can fail.

I created stark's manifest (/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/stark.pp) in my previous post but all I put in it was an empty definition, basically the bare minimum for the Puppet agent to successfully "check in". I could start with the manifest for the Puppet server, baratheon, but I want to make sure the configuration does what I want it to before I risk losing the only user I have on my Puppet server!

Right now, stark's manifest looks like this:

node stark { }

The basic format for adding a group is:

group { 'resource_title':
  ensure => present

This will make sure a group named 'resource_title' gets created. You can also remove a group with "ensure => absent". There is an option to explicitly name a group with "name => 'group'", otherwise it is implied that you want to use 'resource_title' as your group name. The more I think about it, the more I like this functionality - it means you can do something like this:

group { 'add_special_group':
  name => 'special',
  ensure => present
group { 'remove_old_group':
  name => 'old_group',
  ensure => absent

With that said, to add a group called 'secops' with the 'group' resource type, I can change the manifest to look like this:

node stark {
  group {
      ensure => present

Notice I moved the "resource title" to a line by itself. That's a personal preference because I don't like having anything after the opening brace - either way works.

Once the file is saved, that's it, that's all I have to do. The next time stark checks in with baratheon, it will get its new manifest and will add a group named 'secops'. If the group already exists it won't do anything because the requirement is already met. Since just waiting for stark to check in and update at its next interval is kind of boring, I'm going to force the check-in with 'puppet agent --test':

Now that I have a 'secops' group, I can add a 'secops' user who is a member of that group.

Adding a User

The syntax for the 'user' type is identical to that for the 'group' type (all Puppet resource types use the same syntax). For example, if I want to make sure a user named 'special_user' is present, I can do this:

user {
    ensure => present

If the user doesn't exist, Puppet will add a user named 'special_user', a group named 'special_user' and create a home directory for that user. For the average user that's exactly what I might want but what if I want a group named 'infosec' and accounts for 'analyst_0', 'analyst_1' and 'analyst_2' that are all members of the 'infosec' and 'sudo' groups? Puppet can do that!

Building off the above, to add my 'secops' user I will use:

user {
    ensure => present,
    gid => 'secops',
    groups => ["sudo"],
    managehome => true,
    password_max_age => '90',
    password => '$1$ekSmGk/O$ne219/isubq6Q26jE8CKa.'

This does *a lot*. Let's step through it.

First, it makes sure there is a user named 'secops'. Then it sets the primary group for the user to 'secops' and makes sure the account is also a member of the 'sudo' group. "sudo" doesn't need to be passed as an array because I'm only adding the user to that one additional group but I'm doing it as an array anyway to show you can pass an array of groups. Even though Puppet defaults to managing whether a home directory is created, I explicitly tell it to manage this user's home directory. On Linux, Solaris and AIX, Puppet can set a password expiration age so I'm setting that to 90 days. Finally, I'm providing the password hash for my user. Linux can use multiple hash types for passwords, from MD5 to SHA512, and in production I might use SHA512, but since I'm typing this password hash I'm going to use MD5. An easy way to get an acceptable hash is with 'openssl passwd -1', which then prompts for the value to hash and uses MD5 to hash it (if you're curious, the password I hashed is 'secopspass'; if you want to crack that hash, the salt is the value between the second and third $ symbols).

The actual manifest and the results of forcing the check-in look like this:

Notice how the user now shows up in /etc/passwd, they're in the groups 'secops' and 'sudo' and they have a home directory of '/home/secops'. Success!

Removing the Existing Users

Now that I have the user and group added that I want, I can set about removing the existing users I no longer need. This is almost a copy-and-paste of something I wrote above. To remove the 'test' user, I can use:

user {
    ensure => absent,
    managehome => true

I also want to remove the *group* named 'test', since that group only existed for the 'test' user. This would look like:

group {
    ensure => absent

Since I want to remove the 'demo' user from other systems, I'm going to go ahead and add a section for that as well. It won't do anything on stark but this is setup for my third post.

user {
    ensure => absent,
    managehome => true
user {
    ensure => absent,
    managehome => true
group {
    ensure => absent
group {
    ensure => absent

When the Puppet agent on stark checks in, it will delete the 'test' user -- but that's the user I'm using! To avoid any issues, I've logged out as the 'test' user and logged in with 'secops' (remember, the password is 'secopspass'). The manifest and results of forcing the check-in look like this (so that I could get it in a screenshot, I've moved the resource titles to the same line as the opening braces):

The user and group have been removed: the account doesn't show up in /etc/passwd, the group doesn't show up in /etc/group and the user's home directory is gone. I now have my 'standard' set of end-users and groups set on stark!

Wrapping Up

My goal was to show how to add and remove both users and groups with Puppet - we've achieved that. To add more users to stark I would just add more user sections. The same goes for groups - to add more, just add more sections.

That's _great_ for stark, but what about the other systems? It's a bit tedious to copy and paste all of that Puppet code into the manifest for each system, isn't it? I'm only working with four servers so it isn't too terrible but imagine having to add a user to forty, four hundred or maybe even four *thousand* systems. Copying that code into each system's manifest would take longer than both writing AND RUNNING the script to do the work for you. That's where modules, roles and profiles come in and in my next post I'm going to cover how to create a profile for (and assign that profile to) all of my Linux servers so that when I need to change the password hash, add new users or change the password age, I only have to edit one file and everything gets sorted as systems check in.

14 July 2017

So...I thought I'd Jump Into Puppet (Puppet Part One)

A Quick Note

A lot of folks like to write about things they know very well and about which they can answer questions. Generally speaking I prefer to write about things that I can at least troubleshoot to *some degree*. The next few posts will not be any of those because I have no idea what I'm doing with puppet. I'm pretty excited!

The Test Environment

My environments are primarily Ubuntu Linux with a smattering of Windows Server 2012R2, Windows Server 2016 and CentOS. To keep things simple I'm going to stick with Ubuntu Server 16.04 and CentOS 7.

In the last year I have jumped really, really deep into the Elastic stack. I've seen demos for things that ultimately border on useless because  they either a) assume your environment is very small or b) show you how to add '2 + 2' and then expect you to make the leap from that to differential equations. I'm not going to do that.

Instead, I want to go step by step (more or less) from four fresh Linux systems to a fully configured ELK + RabbitMQ stack, managed almost entirely via puppet. This entire ecosystem will look like this:

o Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 LTS for puppet named baratheon
o Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 LTS for ELK named stark
o CentOS 7 for ElasticSearch named greyjoy (this will cluster with ES on stark)
o CentOS 7 for RabbitMQ named bolton

Each server will have one core, four gigabytes of RAM, twenty gigabytes of disk and four gigabytes of swap.

Note: All of the documentation I've read expects your puppet server to be named 'puppet'. When the puppetserver package installs, it creates a certificate expecting its name to be 'puppet'. I think that makes sense, and I understand why it makes that assumption, but sometimes you can't have a host named puppet -- for example, there's a group at my organisation that has puppet.<organisation_domain>, even though it's not used to manage systems organisation-wide. I think it's important to know how to deal with that.

The rest of this post is just the puppet installation and making sure each host can chat to the puppet server.

Some Prep - Host Names and IPs

Remember, I said I was going to start with fresh Linux systems. I have two VMs running Ubuntu Server and two running CentOS. No additional software has been added yet.

Notice they're all named after the template I used to create them. My first step is to login on all of them, change their names in /etc/hostname and add an entry for all of them to each host's /etc/hosts file (that step is unnecessary when DNS is configured as they could look each other up via DNS). There is one small caveat -- the Puppet server always expects its name to be puppet so my _agents_ will be configured to use 'baratheon' but I'm still adding 'puppet' to baratheon's /etc/hosts file. It's weird, I know, but I'm still learning and I'm not sure how to deal with the server installation without doing that...and since it's local to the server itself, I'm not concerned with doing that. If I find out how to prevent that then I'll update this post.

With that done, after a reboot it looks a little more interesting:

The next step is to add the puppet repo and install the appropriate server or agent package.

The Puppet Server

My puppet server, baratheon, is running Ubuntu so I want to add the puppet apt repository for installation. Instead of trying to track down their GPG key, add it and then add their repo, I can do it all with one .deb file available from puppet. The instructions are here:


but I'm going to outline them anyway.

First, download the .deb file from apt.puppetlabs.com:

wget https://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-pc1-xenial.deb

Then install it with:

sudo dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-pc1-xenial.deb

Remember, this adds the puppet apt repository to the system - but it doesn't update the apt cache. Do that with:

sudo apt update

Then install the server with:

sudo apt install puppetserver

It will have quite a few dependencies. On my cable internet connection at home, this takes about five minutes to download and install.

The First Agent -- The Puppet Server

If you read that and you scratched your head, it's okay! Yes, I'm going to use Puppet *on the server* to manage some aspects of the puppet server itself. That means baratheon is both my server *and* my first agent - but not until I configure it that way.

The configuration file I care about is


The default file looks like this:

I want to add a few things. First, Puppet uses certificates for authentication and encryption of communication, and you can specify what you want the certificate name for a given host to be (don't worry, most of the certificate stuff is handled behind the scenes). In my case, I want the certificate for each host to have that host's name -- so baratheon's certificate will be named baratheon. Next, I want to make sure my clients know that the Puppet server lives at baratheon. Puppet has a notion of environments, so you can have one environment for 'test', one for 'quality_assurance', one for 'production', etc. The default environment is 'production' so I'm going to tell all of my systems to use that environment. Finally, I want all of my systems to check-in with the server every ten minutes.

To accomplish all of this, I'm going to add the following to puppet.conf on baratheon:

To ease copy/paste, I added these lines:

certname = baratheon
server = baratheon
environment = production
runinterval = 10m

I'm going to add that same block to all of my Puppet agents with one change -- "certname" will have a different value on each host. You can get more information on the configuration options at:


Now I'll exit and do a little housekeeping to make sure Puppet is configured to start on bootup and that it's running now. To make sure it's enabled at boot, I'll use:

sudo systemctl enable puppetserver

And then I'll make sure it's running with:

sudo systemctl restart puppetserver

Be warned, it can take a few minutes for the puppetserver process to start/restart, especially if you are running it on a VM with only one core! If you don't see any output from the restart for a minute or two it's okay, just give it some more time.

Before I enrol my first agent, I want a way to test it. By default, Puppet looks in /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests to see if there are any files named <foo>.pp and then it applies whatever it finds in those files based on numeric/alphabetical order. In my scenario I want to have a separate <foo>.pp file for each node so I will have four of these - baratheon.pp, stark.pp, lannister.pp, bolton.pp. The general layout of those files is:

node <foo> {
  <stuff to do>

Again, <foo> is the name of the client. The most basic manifest for baratheon would look something like this:

node baratheon { }

And you can see that here:

It just says "I have a node named baratheon but I'm not going to tell it to do anything" - and that's okay! For this post we're just making sure everything is installed and can chat. This means I'm going to create the following files:


And all I'm going to put in them are empty node declarations like the one above (but make sure to change the name of each node inside the .pp files!!).

To make sure baratheon can get the manifest from itself, first I'm going to manually tell it to check in with the server and see if anything is waiting. To do that, I'll use:

sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent --test

When I run it, I get the following:

Success! It successfully applied the catalogue. Now, if I want to make sure the agent is started and running at boot, I can either use systemctl or I can use puppet itself:

sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet resource service puppet ensure=running enable=true

When it runs, Puppet will give output in the same format as a manifest:

This is taken from the Puppet documentation at:


More Agents

Now that my server is configured, I can install the agent on my remaining Ubuntu and CentOS systems. On stark I'll use the same .deb file I downloaded on baratheon but instead of installing puppetserver I'm going to install puppet-agent. That means the instructions for all of my Ubuntu 16.04 agents will be:

wget https://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-pc1-xenial.deb
sudo dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-pc1-xenial.deb
sudo apt update
sudo apt install puppet-agent

Then I'll edit the puppet.conf file to look like:

certname = stark
server = baratheon
environment = production
runinterval = 10m

Notice the two changes: instead of [master] I used [agent] and for certname I used 'stark' instead of 'baratheon'. Now I need to make sure it can chat to baratheon. I'll use the same "puppet agent --test" command I used on baratheon:

sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent --test

The output on an agent is a little different:

Since this is the first time this agent has checked in, Puppet will create an SSL certificate request on the server. On the server I can list any unsigned certificates with:

sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet cert list

I'll have one waiting for stark so I'm going to go ahead and sign it with:

sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet cert sign stark

If it succeeds then it will remove the signing request on the server and I get the following:

Now I'm going to go back to stark and try to check-in again using the same "puppet agent --test" command:

Excellent! I now have a Puppet server running on baratheon AND my first proper agent, stark, can poll for catalogues of activity to perform! Now I just need to make sure puppet starts on boot-up and that the puppet agent is running as a service:

sudo systemctl enable puppet
sudo systemctl restart puppet

With that done, I can move on to my CentOS agents.

Even More Clients: CentOS

The steps for CentOS are very similar to those for Ubuntu; the full instructions for both are available from Puppet at:


Still, I'm going to outline them. Basically, they are:

o install the pc1 package to setup the yum repo
o install the puppet-agent package
o edit puppet.conf
o run 'puppet agent test' to create the CSR
o sign it on the server
o run the test again to make sure it works
o make sure the agent is set to run at boot/is running with systemctl

Instead of signing each certificate, one for bolton and one for lannister, individually, I'm going to do everything to both of those VMs up until the CSR is generated, then I'm going to hop over to baratheon and sign both CSRs with one command (this is what you would do if, for example, you had just spun up a cluster of servers and wanted to sign their CSRs at one time). Then I'll go back to working on each VM. Since they're identical, I'm just going to write the commands once.

First, to install the pc1 package, you can either download it and then install it (what I would do in production, so I had a known-good installation source) or you can tell yum to install it directly from Puppet. I did the latter:

sudo rpm -ivh https://yum.puppet.com/puppetlabs-release-pc1-el-7.noarch.rpm

This yielded:

Then I installed puppet-agent with yum:

sudo yum install puppet-agent

Yum prompted to accept/install the Puppet GPG keys. Since I didn't want to cut my post short here, I pressed 'y'!

When that completed, I edited puppet.conf with the proper agent section:

certname = bolton
server = baratheon
environment = production
runinterval = 10m

Then do the initial check-in/poll manually with 'puppet agent test':

sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent --test

When I'd done that for bolton and lannister, I listed the certificates on baratheon and saw both of them. To sign them both, I used:

sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet cert sign --all

When I listed and signed both certs, it looked like this:

Then I went back to each VM and make sure 'puppet agent test' pulled the catalogue for that system:

It worked! Then to make sure puppet is enabled at boot and that it was running:

sudo systemctl enable puppet
sudo systemctl restart puppet

Fantastic, four VMs all ready to be managed by Puppet!

Wrapping Up Part One

Okay, between you and I, I know, I didn't do anything groundbreaking. I have a handful of VMs that are all checking in with a single Puppet server and not doing anything...but at this point that's okay. The goal was to step through the installation and make sure that initial communication works and THAT goal has been accomplished.

So where to go from here?

Well, if you're Linux/Unix savvy, you may have noticed my Ubuntu VMs have a user named 'test' and my CentOS VMs have a user named 'demo'. That's a problem and in part two I want to look at how I can use each system's manifest file (the <name>.pp file) to make sure I have the same user on all four systems (and remove the existing 'test'/'demo' users). In part three I'll take a look at classes and in part four I'll use classes to install the ELK stack and setup a RabbitMQ node.

09 July 2017

The Three-Eyed Raven: Threat Intelligence With CIF

One of the big buzzwords in InfoSec right now (and it has been for a few years) is "threat intelligence" (TI). It goes right along with "indicators of compromise", or IOC, and many use the terms interchangeably. I admit, I'm guilty of it from time to time. Ultimately, though, they have very different meanings -  so for the context of this post, I want to go ahead and clarify *my interpretation* of what those things mean.

An indicator of compromise/IOC is a discrete, observable unit. It could be an IP address, an ASN, a file hash, a registry key, a file name or any of several other types that are observed as part of monitoring or performing forensics on a compromised (or suspected compromised) system.

Threat intelligence/TI should be comprised of an IOC *and additional contextual information*, such as when it was observed, under what conditions, etc. If someone tries to sell you threat intelligence that is just a feed of IPs and domain names, they aren't selling you threat intelligence - they're selling you indicators.

With that said, let's consider a scenario. You work for a company with small sites all over the country. Each site has their own SecOps person who also happens to be THE do-it-all IT person - they run the handful of servers, networking equipment and desktops/tablets/other endpoints at that site. There is no centralised logging infrastructure or SIEM yet. You work at site alpha and see a port scan against your external IP addresses. Then you see SSH brute-forcing attempts against your servers. Do you share this information with your colleagues at the other sites? If so, how? Do you send an email or drop it into a channel on your private IRC server?

Enter the Collective Intelligence Framework, or CIF.

A Quick Overview -- And the Installers!

First, you need to know that there are two popular versions of CIF, version 2 and version 3.

CIFv2 is *the* way to get started. It has moderate hardware requirements for a business application:

8+ cores
250GB+ of disk, depending on how long you want to keep data - I've installed on systems with just 50GB

When you install it, you have a CIF instance backed by ElasticSearch and a command-line query tool. It will update nightly with Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) from multiple sources. The installer can be found here:


CIFv3 is "in development" and seeing updates regularly. Like I said, CIFv2 is the way to get started - it's more mature, it has a larger user base, it's easier to get going and it has more forgiving requirements for those looking to get started:

2+ cores
10GB+ disk - against, depending on how long you want to store data

If you choose to go the CIFv3 route, you should have a CIF instance backed by sqlite3 and a command-line query tool. It will also update regularly with OSINT from multiple sources. Its installer can be found here:

So, why am I even writing this post? Well...I don't really like sqlite3 for how I want to use CIF and you aren't forced to use sqlite3, but getting it backed by ElasticSearch isn't really documented - now that I have it working, why not share that information with the world?

First, ElasticSearch

As with everything I do that's Linux-related, I'm going to start with a "plain" Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS install. As of the time of writing, that's 16.04.2 LTS.

I'm going to give it four cores, eight gigabytes of RAM, fifty gigabytes of disk and I'm not adding any additional packages or tools during installation. Please note that for this purpose, fifty gigs of disk is WAY more than I'll use. Twenty would be way more than I'll use. I'm only giving it fifty because that's how I'm setting up my new templates.

Because I want to back this with ElasticSearch, I'll need to install it plus its dependency: Java. You can follow the same steps I used in my previous posts on installing ElasticSearch, https://opensecgeek.blogspot.com/2017/02/farming-elk-part-one-single-vm.html, or you can follow the steps below. Below has one huge difference - I use the OpenJDK headless JRE that is included with apt instead of using the Java 8 installer from the webupd8team PPA.

First, some prep steps so apt knows about, and trusts, the Elastic repository:

wget -qO - https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb https://artifacts.elastic.co/packages/5.x/apt stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-5.x.list

Now update the apt application list and install ElasticSearch:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install elasticsearch

Now tell systemd to start ElasticSearch at boot and start ElasticSearch:

systemctl enable elasticsearch
systemctl restart elasticsearch

At this point you should be able to run curl against ElasticSearch and ask for an index list (there should be none):


If ElasticSearch is running, you should immediately get another command prompt with no output from the above command.

ElasticSearch Defaults

By default, ElasticSearch will create all indices with five shards and one replica. This works great if you have multiple ElasticSearch nodes but I only have one node. To do a little ElasticSearch housekeeping, I'm going to apply a basic template that changes the number of replicas for my indices to 0.

This will apply to both the "tokens" index used for authorisation in CIF and the "indicators-<month>" index used for actual threat data. I am ONLY setting the new default to zero replicas because I have no intention of using any other nodes with ElasticSearch. If I were going to possibly add more nodes I would skip straight to "Now, CIF".

To make this change, I'll create a file that has the settings I want for all of my indices; in this case, I'm going to name it "basic-template" and I want every index to have 0 replicas.

  "template" : "*",
  "settings" : {
    "index" : {
      "number_of_replicas" : "0"

Then I'll use curl to save that template in ElasticSearch. Because I've used "template" : "*", this template will get applied to every index that's created. For a single-node setup this is fine; if I had a multi-node cluster backing my CIF instance, I might change the number of replicas so that I could speed up searching or to help with fault-tolerance. The curl command to import this template as "zero_replicas" would be:

curl -XPUT -d "$(cat basic-template)"

Now, CIF

First, grab the latest release of the deployment kit. As of writing, that is 3.0.0a5. The releases are listed here:


You can download 3.0.0a5 directly via wget:

wget https://github.com/csirtgadgets/bearded-avenger-deploymentkit/archive/3.0.0a5.tar.gz

Unzip the tarball with tar:

tar zxf 3.0.0a5.tar.gz

That should give you a directory called bearded-avenger-deploymentkit-3.0.0a4.  If you do a directory listing with ls, you'll see several subdirectories and configuration files. If you wanted to do a "generic" install of CIFv3, you could run "sudo bash easybutton.sh" and it would do its thing, leaving you with an sqlite3-backed CIF. That's not what we want, so let's make some changes!

The important file to edit is global_vars.yml. I've tried several combinations of the options to add and, while it doesn't matter what order the following are added, they do all need to be there to use ElasticSearch with CIFv3:

For copy and paste, the added lines are:

cif_store_store: elasticsearch
ANSIBLE_CIF_ES_NODES: 'localhost:9200'
CIF_ANSIBLE_ES_NODES: 'localhost:9200'

Now I can use the installer to get things rolling (note: on my Internet connection at home this took almost thirty minutes due to installing dependencies):

sudo bash easybutton.sh

Remember, this is CIFv3 and it's *in development*. The install may break but it's unlikely. With the tiniest bit of luck, you should end up with a command prompt and zero failures. You'll know if it failed, all of the text will be red and the last line will tell you how many tests it failed!

On Tokens and Hunters

The very last thing that the installer currently does is add "tokens" for specific accounts. "Tokens" are a hash used for authentication. By default, CIF will create a new user, "cif", with a home directory of "/home/cif", and in that directory is a token for the cif user, stored in "/home/cif/.cif.yml". Be careful with that token, it allows for *full administrative access* to your CIF installation. If it's just you and you are going to do everything with that account, great, but if you think you're going to have other users, feed in a lot of data, share data with other entities, etc., please take some time to read up on token creation:

cif-tokens --help

If you just run "cif-tokens" without any options, it will print out all of the tokens it knows about:

"hunters" are the real workhorses that get data into CIF and they are disabled by default because they can bring a system to a crawl if there are too many of them. With no value set, I have four on a fresh boot. To add more (and you want to), edit /etc/cif.env or /etc/default/cif and set CIF_HUNTER_THREADS = <x>. I set it to two and I have six cif-router threads running.

If I had a server with eight cores, and a separate ElasticSearch cluster, I may set that to four or higher. Just know the more you have, the more resources they're going to use!!

At this point I like to do a restart, just to make sure ElasticSearch and all of my cif processes will start up with a reboot.

A Simple Query

When the CIF server processes kick off, they set a pseudo-random timer for up to five minutes. At the end of that timer everything will start to work together to get data into your indicators-<month> index. I say this because if you query cif in the first few minutes after installing it, you're not going to get anything. At all. Zilch. I don't want you to think you have a broken install just because the hunters haven't had a chance to populate your back-end!!

Give it a few minutes. I'd give it fifteen or twenty. Seriously, just reboot the box and step away for a while. Go fix a cup of tea, have a glass of water, play with the dog, just make sure you let it do its thing for a bit. Sometimes I'll use curl to check on the elasticsearch index just to see how quickly it's growing:

When you come back to it you can start trying things out. Remember that by default the only user who can query CIF is your cif user - I usually just change user to cif with:

sudo su - cif

Then you can try a simple query with:

cif -q example.com

Notice you don't get anything back - just an empty table. That's because example.com doesn't show up in CIF by default. However, if you run the command again, you'll get something very different! For example, if I search now (I've done it a few times), I get:

Why is that? Well, by querying CIF, you have told it that you have something interesting. Notice how when I use "cif -q", it adds an entry -- that's because it's now a potential indicator. It also sets the tag to "search", meaning it was something I searched for manually, not that I received as part of a feed.

Notice all of the fields in my result for a simple query for "example.com":

"tlp": Traffic Light Protocol. This is the sharing restriction - just by querying, it gets set to "amber", typically meaning "share only if there's a need to know".
"lasttime": the last time, *in UTC*, that this indicator was seen
"reporttime": the time, *in UTC*, when this indicator was introduced to CIF
"count": the number of times CIF has seen this indicator
"itype": the indicator type; notice it is "fqdn", or "fully qualified domain name"
"indicator": the thing that was seen; in this scenario, "example.com"
"cc": the country code for the indicator; you'll see this a lot with IP addresses
"asn": the autonomous system number, again common with IPs
"asn_desc": usually the company responsible for that ASN
"confidence": your confidence level that this is something bad (or good, depending on how you use CIF)
"description": this is a great field for putting web links that have additional information
"tags": any additional "one word" tags you want to apply to the indicator
"rdata": this is "related" data; for a domain it may be an IP address - you can specify this value
"provider": the entity who provided this indicator; in this scenario it's the cif user using the "admin" token

See what I mean by the difference between having just an indicator (just an IP or domain) and turning it into intelligence by adding context and additional information? You may have "mybaddomain.co.uk" as an indicator but the description may have a link to an internal portal page that details everything you know about that domain. If "lasttime" is three months ago, and count is "2", why is this thing showing up again after three months of nothing?

Wrapping It All Up

Companies pay tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, of pounds (or dollars, or whichever currency you prefer) for "threat intel" but what does that mean? What are they getting - are they getting indicators or are they getting intelligence? How do they get it - is it via a STIX/TAXII download, a custom client?

More importantly, _can they use it effectively_? It does me no good to pay £10,000 per year for a "threat intelligence" feed if I don't have processes and procedures in place to do large imports of denied IPs/domains/etc, or to remove them if something gets in that I don't actually want to block. Moreover, I can't show that the intel I'm receiving has value if I don't have metrics around how useful the intel is - for example, how many incoming connection attempts were blocked by known port-scanners or brute-force endpoints?

Yes, "threat intelligence" can be useful, but make sure your program is of sufficient maturity to benefit from it and that you're actually getting your money's worth.

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